Monday 18 June 2012

Ng Ai Yee 1201592 - Hero's Journey

Ng Ai Yee 1201591 – Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s journey depicts an unsung hero in common. It is commonly known as the monomythas well. The hero is in the individual themselves rather than what have been imagined by most of the people. This individual became the hero in their own lives and goes through obstacles to achieve their own goal.
They would have gone through a several stages in this journey. This hero ventures away from the common world and enter into another realm of supernatural wonder. The hero would have encountered forces that against him and won a decisive victory. Then the hero could to decide to come back to the common world, or carry on with another quest or call.

In monomyth, the hero will steps out from the ordinary world and venture into an adventure when receives a call to enter the mysterious realm of strange events and power. The hero who decides to accept the call an anticipated in this mysterious journey, must goes through challenges and trials that awaits the hero. The hero will face these obstacles alone or with assistance. In the more intense of the narrative’s version, the hero must overcome and survives a critical challenge and most of it are with assistance. If the hero able to overcome the challenge, he might get a gift or much known as “boon.”  By then the hero gets to decide whether to return to his common world with this gift. The journey of returning often are also filled with challenges. If the hero are able to survives all odds and return to his common world with the gift, he is able to used the git he possess to improve the world.

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