Sunday 10 June 2012

Week 2 homework- Chia Zhen Yan 1002831

Chia Zhen Yan 1002831

Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture. Works produced by such skill and imagination.
Synonyms of art include craft, skill, artifice, science, workmanship.
Art comes from Latin ars, artis. The core meaning in Latin is practical skill (compare with English art, artful in the sense of cunning). In Latin the word also means professional skill and was applied increasingly to skill in creating poetry and music. In course of time it was also applied more specifically to painting and sculpture.
History is something that already passes. Histories come from Greek. History use to investigate the thing that passes and become knowledge. Historians collect the research, organize it and finally become a book or something to let the people know the truth. This showing how history is important.
History is a thinking of different perspective of different countries. So means that different points of view come out the meanings of his story.
Design is the designer creating something to achieve communication to the outcome and receiver. A lot of design today which are graphic design, fashion design, communicative design, game design, interior design and moreover.

What do you want from this course
I learn what I don't know and applied in the future. 

What do you want to be doing in 5 years? 10 
years? 20 years?
I will do some free lance jobs after I finished my studies. Now I am taking part time digital painting and next year may taking advanced digital painting.In the first three years, maybe no 5 years so long, I will do free lance jobs because I wan earn more money to continue 3D animation studies after advance digital painting. I plan near the 10 years I will achieve my dream which is become a concept artist. I am very interested on concept art and I am going to it. I can't go to TOA or others academy to learn illustrater or animation because my parents are not able to afford. At after 20years or nid more years, I want to be a Art directer or open a studio and become a lecturer, boss.

What do you hope to get from this particular class?
I wan knowledge and practical or enhance my skills.

Is history of art and design necessary do you think for your larger goal?
Yes.  I liked to learn every things to achieve a goal which is knowledgeable

Image of the most beautiful thing for you

The most beautiful thing for me is a nice painting.  This image is my second piece of digital painting learned by outside( Declaz class).
Of course not only digital painting, I also like acrylic painting, oil painting, poster color, water color, charcoal, soft pastel, comic, pencil  and others all belongs to painting.

Image of the most ugly thing for you

I feel smelly to this. It name is FRUCTUS MOMORDICAE. Mostly people boil it and become a Chinese herbal tea. Chinese people like to drink this but i hate it. Every time my mum tell me drink I say no no no. Not only smelly for me and I can feel disgusting and sensitively. 

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