Friday 8 June 2012

Week 2 homework

Lim Chong Quan - 1004467

"History", like what my lecturer tells me, it contains the idea of Story. A Story of our ancestors, a story that can tell us how mankind lives in the past, what kind of adversity they faced, and through the story, what we can learn from them, and not to repeat the mistakes they had done in the past. In my opinion, history is the only connection between us from now, and the people in the past.

"If the EARTH without ART, is just EH"  and "the HEART without ART, is just HE"
in my opinion, Art is a way to allows us to express ourselves, is just like a person scolds, to express anger, a person cries, to express sadness or depression, and to an artist, to express whatever he or she feels by using any form of media and medium to form a piece of artwork.

Design is a path on discovering new thing. This is why designing requires a lot of creativity
this is my idea towards DESIGN 

What do you want from this course
To gain knowledge on what a graphic designer should know, a presentable , creative guy.

What do you wan to be doing in 5 years, 10 years and 20 years
i have no proper plan or even imagination about how am i going to be in the future, because my personality is just like this, i prefer to stay in current and work more, although i already know planning is important for a university student. However, i don't plan for my future doesn't mean that i'm a WHATEVER type of person, i will always aim for the highest, whether in university now, or workplace in future

What do you hope to get from this class
i would like to know more about how people in the past look at design and art, since the social context we have are different. And also stories of some Great artist and artwork

Is the History of Art & Design necessary of you think for your larger goals?
Yes, a PROFESSIONAL should know everything about their field, especially the origin/history of the field

Image of the most beautiful thing for you
i would say the only thing that makes my life beautiful is my family

Image of the most ugly thing for you
what else can i say?
i cant stand for guys trying to pretend to be girls, and EPIC FAILed in the end

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