Monday 2 July 2012

Ng Pei Keat 1006795 Gladiator

Maximus the Merciful
The gladiatorial games continue. Maximus fight against Rome's only undefeated gladiator.  In the arena there are also chained tigers with handlers instructed to target Maximus. Maximus narrowly defeats the great rome'sgladiator and waits for a decision whether to kill or spare Tigris. Commodus indicates death but Maximus spares Tigris, insulting the Emperor but delighting the mob. He earns the name "Maximus the Merciful".
I like how Maximus  spares his enemy, this shown that he is a good person in truly heart. Most of the people will kill their enemy, this will create a revenge cycle which the enemy's family will try to revenge on you. If their revenge succeed, then its your family turn to revenge, it will cause a non-stop revenge cycle which will usually will be ended by both grave. 

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